Saturday, October 25, 2014

Importance Of Reading To Your Children

Every day I hear mothers worried and frustrated because their kids are behind in reading. We as mothers look for answers on how can we help our kids. The difficulty to read in a child may lead to many problems, like low self-esteem.

The truth is that these days kids spend more time in front of a TV or playing video games. As a parent it is our job to teach our children to fall in love with reading. Reading is a way for children to make new discoveries, develop creativity and inspiration. I know most of us have full-time jobs or have more than one child and sometimes between making dinner, doing homework, cleaning up is difficult to have the time to read to them. But, we have to make time, even if its 15 minutes a day. You have to understand what is the importance of reading to your children. I'm almost 33 years old and I often remember when my mother read to me at night. I LOVED IT!!! and made me fall in love with reading too.

Lets be real! nobody wants getting the news that their child is failing. People are different and the same is true with kids. One of the biggest mistakes is to think that what worked for one child will work for another. Kids learn differently, many kids that fall behind at school do not have any learning difficulty, it’s just that they have different learning styles. How many times kids that have a high IQ have been labelled by the teacher as “having learning disabilities”.  

We cannot expect every child to learn the same way (this is one of the reasons I home-school). That is another part of the importance of reading to our children, because most kids start to read when they are ready. Read to your child, let him see that you as a parent enjoy reading. Look for books that he likes and catch his/her attention. It does not matter if you have to read him the same book 100 times (hey, it happens!). You keep reading every day to your child and you will see that when he is ready to read he’ll take off really fast.

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