Sunday, October 26, 2014

Things To Know When Home Schooling

I wish that when I started homeschooling I would had found this post.

When we start homeschooling is like we want to take school into our home.  Homeschooling is not just about school, it's a lot more than that.  Most of the mothers that start homeschooling get the famous "burned-out" by the stress they put on themselves.  We want everything to be perfect and that everything goes as planned. But the reality is that we have to think out of the box, not everything is going to go as planned (especially with three kids LOL) life happens, kids get sick, you get sick and there are those days you just need a break.    

When I started homeschooling I started very excited, but finished up like many of us burned-out.  I started thinking where I went wrong. First of all I'm not very organized so I didn't prepare myself as I should have.  I was teaching two different grade levels and not being organized ahead of time did not help.  Another thing that really affected me was that I was always worried if I was doing it right or if the kids were getting behind.   Well, then I realized usually homeschoolers are above their grade level.

I found a great support group where I realized that many mothers had the same worries as I and that I shouldn't get stress by this because then I wouldn't enjoy my homeschooling journey.  I encourage you to read the post above.  It was really inspiring for me and help me a lot.  Now, I'm much organized in my homeschooling and take it day by day.  Don't put unneeded pressure on yourself and enjoy this wonderful journey called "homeschooling" and cherish each and every  moments, even the bad ones.

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